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Yes as we are using the ERC-721A.
Our contract will be optimized to enable a low gas fee experience as well as being audited by a third party to ensure security and safety. Having in mind our long-term vision with the project,
Un dominio en internet es el nombre único que identifica a tu sitio web. Es la dirección que las personas escriben en el navegador para encontrarte, como www.sinlimites.cl. Está compuesto por un nombre (por ejemplo, “tusitio”) y una extensión (como “.com”, “.org” o “.cl”). Los dominios deben registrarse a través de empresas especializadas para que sean únicos y accesibles en la web.
Avataraslisted Mint: 21st of March at
Public Raffle Mint: 22nd of March at
Avataraslisted Mint: 21st of March at
Public Raffle Mint: 22nd of March at
Avatarslisted Allowed mint: 2x Max
Avatarslisted Mint Price: 0.069ETH
Public Raffle Allowed mint: 1x Max
Public Raffle Mint Price: 0.079ETH
Avatarslisted Allowed mint: 2x Max
Avatarslisted Mint Price: 0.069ETH
Public Raffle Allowed mint: 1x Max
Public Raffle Mint Price: 0.079ETH
Each Small Bros NFT acts as an “Access Token”!
Owning a Avatars gives you exclusive access to the greatest benefits developed for the avatars. Whether for the avatars’ World, the exclusive merch in addition to all incredible aspects of Phase 2.0.
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